
I share information on this site about my varied passions. It's a personal project, and no individual reader will be interested in every topic, except men, my age, who are me.

Personally, I am a dad, husband, and enthusiast of food, podcasts, personal finance, my profession, Stoicism, and dogs. (I had more hobbies before I had a toddler.) We live in Florida, where I have spent most of my life.

Professionally, I am a Business Intelligence architect and consultant since 2006, with particular expertise in Qlik, Power BI, Tableau, and ThoughtSpot. Creative solutions, challenging commonly held practices, and the esoteric sides of these platforms are of special interest to me. Partnering with a diversity of customers, tackling a diversity of challenges, and working with a diversity of people create continuous opportunities to learn. I lead the Enterprise Analytics practice at Axis Group.

If there's any way I can help you, please let me know. (I'm not very active on social media.)


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